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Waste Management

Due to the large presence of the print industry, waste management is one of the greatest environmental concerns when it comes to this industry. Containing segments that are crucial to the success of the print industry, these segments are coupled with many waste management issues. The materials used in these industry segments differentiate from one another and require special waste management tactics to ensure the safe disposal of these products. The printing industry utilizes a plethora of materials to develop their products, inks, plastic, paper, synthetic materials, etc. These materials range from biodegradable items to the most complex properties that make it difficult to ensure the proper disposal of the product. There are some aforementioned methods that the printing industry has adopted to help promote their waste reduction.  



Biodegradability has become one of the most vital components in many print industry segments. The print industry has found many sustainable methods to tackle their waste through enhancing products to exhibit biodegradable properties. Biodegradability refers to the organic breakdown of substances or materials. With the thorough implementation of this method within the print industry, products with biodegradable elements can potentially see a surge in interest as a result of the growing environmental awareness. 


As a result of the different materials provided by the print industry to develop its products, recycling is one of the primary waste management technique. Involving the recycling of paper, plastics and other non-biodegradable materials, recycling has enabled the print industry to match the speed at which items are being recycled. In fact, a few industry segments benefit off recycling. Exhibited in the packaging industry, the shift to “eco-packaging” suggests the consistent use of recycling in the manufacturing of their products. To help manage the waste being generated in the print industry, recycling allows the conversion of post-consumer products into a new fully sustainable and functional product.  

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